GalaxyWEB provides the following web services:
- Protein Structure Prediction
- GalaxyTBM: Protein structure prediction from sequence by
template-based modeling
- GalaxyLoop: Modeling of loop and/or terminus regions
specified by user
- GalaxyDom: Protein modeling unit detection for protein
structure predictions
- Protein Structure Refinement
- Protein Interaction Prediction
- GalaxySite: Ligand binding site prediction from a given
protein structure (experimental or model)
- GalaxyDockWEB: Protein-ligand docking based on
conformational space annealing global optimization with improved docking scoring function
- GalaxyPepDock: Protein-peptide docking based on
interaction similarity
- GalaxyHomomer: Protein homo-oligomer structure
from a monomer sequence or structure
- GalaxyGemini: Protein homomer structure prediction from
given protein monomer structure based on similarity
- GalaxyHeteromer: Protein hetero-dimer structure
prediction from sequences or structures of subunits
- GalaxyTongDock: Symmetric and asymmetric
protein-protein docking
- GalaxySagittarius: Prediction of protein targets
drug-like compounds
- GalaxySagittarius-AF: Prediction of protein
targets for drug-like compounds using AlphaFold models
- GalaxyDomDock: Prediction of possible relative
orientations of two domains of a protein chain
- CSAlign-Dock: Protein-ligand docking based on compound
- HProteome-BSite: Database for ligand binding sites in human
- GPCR Applications
- Galaxy7TM: Flexible GPCR-ligand docking by structure
refinement with a GPCR and a ligand structure provided by user
- GalaxyGPCRloop: Structure prediction of the second
extracellular loop of GPCR
- Water position prediction